Thursday, June 05, 2008

Oh boooy

So it's not over. Its never over. Hopefully it wont be over, ever. I am happy and, really, I dont want anything to change.

I know that I usually only write when bad things are happening so I wanted to have a positive entry for a change. But I really have nothing to vent about so it will probably bw quite short.

I am almost done classes for the Spring term. I have one exam, one presentation, a project and a paper all of which will be done come Monday evening.

I am so excited about summer coming and being able to spend a bit of time at the beach this summer which will be a nice contrast to last summer when I spent like 0 hours outside.

Yea, so thats pretty much it.

Oh! I have a little joke thing to share:

So a Panda walks into a Restaurant, orders his meal and eats it. Everything is seemingly going well until he shoots the waiter and leaves. So when the Police finally catch up to him they ask him "why?". He replies simply "The dictionary says 'Panda - Eats shoots and leaves".

I thought that was so cute I even made it into a screenprinted comic strip. Anyone interested in purchasing it?

Ok, Im out!

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