Thursday, August 24, 2006


So I have been traveling for the past 3 weekends and I have had an amazing time. However, I have not had any time to do work and now I am behind - not a good situation.

I have 2 classes , each of which are 4.5 credits each and a TON of work.

Tomorrow(Friday) I have a 15oo word paper due on Twelfth Night the Shakespearean play. I really liked the play but to write 1500 words on it seems a bit excessive - I can write that much I am just not sure how interesting it will be, but then again the teacher DID ask for it. :-/
For that class I also have to write 2 Journals (2 pages each) on our walking tour field trips around London, and a Theater review of either Titus Andronicus or Comedy of Errors - who am I to review a play, what do I know about theater production, hopefully that will turn out ok.

For the design class we have 2 projects. The first is a group project which was to create an entirely original service or product, make up 3-5 AD's for it, do a powerpoint on it, design a store for it, set up a budget for it, and write up an IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) Plan for it, and do a website for it. Our Idea for a service is GREAT (I am not going to share cuz I don't want it stolen) but the work is intense. The 2nd project is a journal on Marketing and trends I have noticed. We have to write 8-10, 3-page entries some on specific stuff (The V&A museum, the Blue Water Mall, The Markets here in London, Product Placement in movies, and our trip to QVC) and the others are on what ever we want (sounds easy, but I have not a clue what to write about).

I am SO overwhelmed with work that I don't even think that I will be able to leave my room other than to eat.

Wish me Luck!!


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