Monday, August 14, 2006

States and Paris!

So it has only been 10 days but SOOOO much has happened!

I went to the states (its crazy, I know). I had to get home for a family reunion and memorial of sorts. It was AMAZING! It was so great to see everyone and just be back on the home turf if only for a few days (6). It was odd tho, because I found myself looking the wrong way to cross the street, ad saying words like lift and flat. Its cuz if i say apartment and elevator here in London people are like wierd American so ihave adapted and dont even think about it anymore. I am sure once i am home for good I will lose the british terms, not to worry.

When I got back to London I had 1 day of classes and then hopped a train to 'Gay Paris' (as Michael calls it). That was awesome too! But i was exausted the entire 1st day there: I ended up falling asleep on a bench in front of the Arch De Triumph hahaha. But it was great. We did all the touristy stuff: Notre Dame, Luvre, Sacre Couer, the Siene river, crepes, Musse de Orsay, and of course the Eiffel tour (in the rain at night - so romatic, Made me miss my lovely). PS I had an intense bonding time with the girls I went with, Cait and Neha. Wonderful city!

So thats been the hecticness of the past 2 weeks!

Im out!

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