Friday, August 04, 2006

Exams, tourisy London, and a new bed in Philly!

My finals are OVER!! Yaaaay! and I have the rest of the week off to do WHATEVER. So sweet. but i am sure a lot of the time will be spent on much needed sleep! But its good to be free, if only for a little while. We start again on Monday. :-/ but it should be easy.

My tia and my uncle are here in London and are taking me around to all the sights i havent seen yet. Which is awesome. So today we went to big ben (yes yes, i have been there but they havent so it was cool) and tomorrow we are going to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace and then doign the London Eye. I am STOKED!

Oh and I was talkign to the BF and he just got a new bed! Yay! No more squeeky, coils-that-dig-into-your-bad, totally uncomfy bed when I go back there (I mean its not for a little while but who cares) I m happy for that tooooo!

Ok well ima pass out!
Gnight moon!

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