Friday, September 09, 2005

Wow, I didnt realize how boring I am. :-P I have been able to add an entry everyday- that is just one indicator that my life is Lacking! hahaha. Its ok tho, bc I like doing nothign a being a bum; its the summer thats what I am supposed to do. And in exactly 1 week from today, I will be at work in the DU undergrad admissions office, so I am going to enjoy doing nothing as long as I can.

I woke up at like 130 today which was amazing and did nothing except mosy around my apartment and read all day- oh and made rice krispy treats and then proceeded to eat tooo much and I still have so much left. Cooking for one person is really annoying- there is always too much food. Oh man, so I have to get down to Urban cable at some point so that I can pick up the box, but for serious- its waaaaay waaaaay North Philly, and I am not aobut to take my white bum to wander around there - that is just not smart. Knowing my luck I would be liable to get jumped, kidnapped, or raped. hahaha OK so im exaggerating a bit but its a city like any other and you shouldnt walk around in areas you dont know and alone to boot. Now I am not saying that Im scared but im not stupid!

SOooo, yesterday Mike said that he would take me today, but I havent been able to get in touch with him to make sure hes still taking me and they close at 6 and its 430 so, I have no idea. But, Ill figure it out- I hope.

Annnyway, I went on a date with John yesterday, we grabed a bite to eat and then we saw Coach Carter. Which may i say, was a really good movie- but why was it Black and White?!? What was the point of that. At firstI thought it was to give it the feeling of it being old, or sometihng like that, but the characters spoke like people do today, dressed like ppl do today, and were listening to songs that are popular today. So I have NOO idea what that was about. OK back to the date:: During the movie John kept trying to hold my hand and ya know just flitatiusly touch me. I think I kind of rejected him- I didnt mean to be mean, but i just wasnt feeling it. He is a sweet guy but I dont feel any connection- on this end. Also, it may not be a conection thing- I think it might have to do with the ex. I still have these overwhelmingly strong feelings for Him and because I cant seem to kick them, I doubt ill beable to have anysort of connection with any other guy. BLAH- why does my blog always end up having something to do with Him- its kind of frustrating, but I guess it does make sense.

OK well, im going to go do more of nothing... which will prolly end with me thinking about Him. ::shrug:: what can u do? Nothing
<3 Peacing out

P.S. Happy Birthday Alex- cant wait to party with you!

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