Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I am home and its kewl but I AM so excited to be moving into my apartment!! Wooo. I am all about decoraing it, its going to be so awesome. I think i am going to do an underwater theme in my bathroom Lookie lookie : http://www.getdecorating.com/image.cfm?theme=14&browse=int&master=21758&page=1&CFID=3517641&CFTOKEN=74270278#1 << that was my inspiration but i think i am going to do a little more colorful fish so its a bit more tropical and bright. And I love the idea of painting on the ceiling like it is the top of the water! OOOH, I am so excited! In the bedroom/living room i am going to make the walls yellow and then add red and orange circles and squares on one wall. The kitchen I think will be mostly green and blue with a little bit of yellow as well. I think my apartment is goign to be awesome. I was looking around for furniture, decorations, paints, and curtains, sheets and comfortors. I cant even describe how excited I am.
I am also soo excited to go to philly tomorrow. I am going to get my apartments measurements, and then hang out with Mike and see Nicole for a while. When we come back to NY we will be going to a comedy show in the city when i get back. And then on Sat we are going to the beach and then a hotel party at night! This is going to be AWESOME! :-D

well im out

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