Sunday, August 07, 2005

Home and then back to Philly

im HOME! Its soo nice. I love being home. I went out to long beach last night with Jess, Jen, Julian, and Brian. We walked along the board walk and hit up the 24 hr. bagel at 2 am. It was good times! The boardwalk is always an adventure - we met this guy that was harassing this couple and decided to ask him where the bagel place was. He gave us directions and when we decided to try to find it we couldnt so we thought that our theory of him being a psycho was confirmed. But after asking 4 other people for directions - one being a limo driver that said "I dont know where it is, but I'll take you there" and proceeded to wink at me, we found that the psycho really DID know where 24 bagel is. Jess, Jen, and I also drove around for bout 20 minutes calling every guy and his brother to try to find somewhere/ something to do at 3am. Haha. We failed miserably - nothing was happening. Oh well, it doesnt matter we had fun anyway.

So, im going to Philly on Wednesday. That is going to be fun! I am going to get to see my apartment and figure out what I need and what furniture can fit in there. ITs going to be awesome. I am also going to see Mike - i am sure that will be intersting, to say the least. But then friday night, Mike is coming to NY with me. WOoo this is going to be crazy good times. :-D

well im off like a dirty shirt...

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