Wednesday, December 20, 2006

As usual, its been a while since my last post. (Ps sorry that its only a sketch of my trip to porto. Someday when im really bored, maybe ill make it sentences and add details.)

Anyway, this will be the last post of my London/ European study abroad experience - I leave on Friday! These past 6 months have been the most exciting, eye-opening, educational growth experience of my life. I feel like I could stay here forever. Ive fallen in love with London as a city and Europe as a lifestyle and I will most certainly be back in the near future.

However, I am very excited to go home and see all my lovlies. I miss everyone so much!
I think the first thing I will do after I hug and kiss everyone that greets me at the Airport is suggest that we grab a pie, from my fave pizzaria in Queens (of course they will oblidge). I cant wait! Then I will call everyone up and announce that I am home and demand that we find something amazing to do and catch up with everyone I havent seen in over 6 months. How exciting this will be! :-D

Ok well I have to finish packing!

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