Thursday, December 22, 2005

Love the Holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I was so upset because I thought that I wasnt going to be able to go home, because of work, and the Strike in NY and all these seperate factors. I mean i wasnt going to spend the holidays alone, i was invited to Join Mike's family which was so nice and so generous of Michelle but its not Myyyy family, you know? So i was kind of bumming. But JUST before the end of the day I foud out that the strike was over, and workers will go back to work starting tomorrow! Wooo! So that means that I can go home and see my family. So awesome, really a GREAT Christmas gift!

I still have to send out Christmas cards, they take about 2 days so i HAVEEE to send them out first thing tomorrow, and even then, they probably wont get there until Monday, but its the thought that counts, right?

I also already have a list of people that I have to send thank you's to. And its growing. Constantly!

So now im going to go watch another episode of LOST (1st season) and write out Christmas Cards :-) ...then Im off to sleep!

Again, Happy Holidays everyone!

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