Saturday, November 19, 2005

my night! awesome

Folks! I think ive found a good one... boy/guy that is. We got tickets to the Opera for last night - and of course like the people we are, we decided to dress up for the opera. So he arrives looking soo spiffy - tuxedo pants, tie, vest, the whole 9 as far as dressy-ness goes; and on top of that he brought me flowers! I wanted to die happy! It was the best start to a date that ive had in a looong time(except for the fact that i was running late and wasnt ready) ! He is soo sweet; such a good guy! And after the opera, I went to James and Mikes house for a party, and i mean it iiis my x's house/party, so i totally would have understood if he was upset that i was dpping and going there but he was awesome about it! He was like, yea u need some friend time, and i know hes ur friend - go. He even offered to walk to me when i was ready to leave and offered me a place to crash. I was like ugh! I really like you! I cant believe he like me, i mean hes sooo good!

Oh man and the party was awesooome! Great times - i cant believe how many ppl hit on me lol. But it was awesome - B was there, hes always so cool ... until he threw up in the diner - ew, yuck! Another B was there with his GF A, who got really trashed and felt up my breasts and commented "perfect, not too soft, not too firm"... haha too funny. And James and his GF are awesome and sooo cute together! I really like his GF, soo cute!

Ok well that was my great night!

Now im going with the boy to see Ahab - I really like the fact that we dooo stuff, and dont juuust sit around. Speaking of doing stuff - i am going to get tix to Rent and Take the boy around christmas/ New years! Good tiiiiimes!

ok well Ahab is at 8 and we are gonna eat first so im gona get ready (so im not late this time) ...

off like a dirty shirt!

~ M

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