Thursday, July 14, 2005

stuff ...

Hey all

Camp was decent today, but can you believe they switched one of our counselors?! It is sooo whack! and to top it all off, I know Elyse was amazing and all but Milka- the new one, is HORRIBLE! She made phone calls through out the day, didnt help get the kids in line, didnt help the specialists during class, and totally did whatever she wanted during swimming. UUUGH! It is unacceptale. Luckly, our directors are amazing so they are taking care of it. I think that by Monday there will be a new counselor addition to the team. I hope that we get Elyse back and the Quinnapaugs get the new person! We will see... :-/
Tonight im excited to go to Club BLue tonight, with the rest of th staff - I think it will be AWESOME!! :-D
I am not going to camp tomorrow, I am going to Philly. That is gonna be a hella trip. I am looking forward to seeing everyone but I am NOT looking forward to the hour trip. I'll have my music and my book to entertain me - thats something atleast.

oK well I REEEEK! So i am going to shower...

Off like a dirty shirt

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