Tuesday, June 21, 2005

(non)home for the summer

Wow, so I am back in Levittown for the summer and it is sooo weird! Like I'm expected to come home and keep "normal hours" and help out around the house. It’s nice seeing all my friends and going out meeting new people and going to the beach - its great, isn’t it? I mean I know it should be and I should be enjoying my last summer EVER, but I can’t help missing my friends from school and Philly.

Tricks was all flirty last night but I couldnt DO anytihng cuz of the boy. we are supposed to be on a break but its not workign for me. I really just want him here with me. Ok thats all im going to say.

Also, I think that communication is essential to the success of our relationship. If we cant be open and honest with eachother what do we really have. So I guess that means that along with anyone that can manuver the web and stumble on my ramblings, i have to tell you.

Wish me luck!!

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