Thursday, March 24, 2005

random stream of conscienciousness

ok, so...
i am lying on the living room floor of my house, and you know how in Garden State Andrew describes how their is a transition when ur home is no longer your home and the house that u live in or u grew up in is no longer ur HOME. Well, I believe that I have reached that point. Its quite sad actually, currently I feel i am homeless- not houseless( i have a place to live) but nowhere that i would consider home. I have been referring to philly/ drexel/ dorm as my home but it isnt really. After all it is just a room- and a rather small one at that which i share with another girl. Also, my mom didnt help things any by clearing out my room in NY. Not that she had much of a choice, but now when i AM here, granted it isnt often- it is quite expensive to get home, i dont have a room of my own. I have a bed to sleep in and a closet to hang my stuff, but its not mine- its more of a guest room really. And thus, i am homeless.

So i am laying on the floor in this house that was once my home and Mike keeps steadily treading thru my thoughts. No matter where I start i find myself thinking of him. missing him, wanting him. What is he doing right now? Is he thinking of me like i am thinking of him? Does he miss me like i miss him? I miss saying good night to you, laying beside you, your tight embrace, your scent, waking up beside you. I want you to be the last person i say goodnight to and the first person i say good morning to. I love you. I know that it hasnt been that long since we have been going out, or even since we have known eachother. But the more i am with you the more i want to be with you- the more i love you. It has only been a little more than a day since ive seen you last but its been too long. I cant stand it. I cant wait to be with you again.

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