Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Dangerous Technology

What’s your favorite movie/book/story about the dangers of technology? Describe why you like it, and describe the way technology is depicted. Also, find two references to your choice on the Web. Link to those references and tell us what they say about it.

In the movie I, Robot, based on a book human made artificially intelliegent robots which end up attempting to revolt and take over the world. I really enjoyed this movie because it made me think if we could ever create artificial intelligence. Technology throughout this film has a huge impact on the characters life. Vertually everything the characters do are dependent upon the technology. All the technology is viewed in a positive light until the robots revolt then the people question the A.I. technology, but only that was challenged.

http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c gi?f=/c/a/2004/07/16/DDGKD7LH2H1.DTL&type=movies
This review states that although the movie was good the technological advances are not that far-fetched. It is completely possible that in the near future, there can be robots able to do many domestic tasks in the hu mans place.

This review disagrees with the estimated year of the setting because the tachnology depicted in this movie is too far off. They claim that the year 2035 is fairly inaccurate and would be more accurate to say year 2070. But they also say that most of the technology is basically accurate because it is, other than the cars and the robots, is the same as the technology that we have today.

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